
Color Collection Screenshot

The Color Collection is your color palette. It contains your Saved Colors, and Website Colors.

Color Collection Toolbar


Limit the visible colors in the Color Collection


Sort by

Speed up the process of locating the right color


❗️ Sorting is not always recalculated when colors change - this prevents website colors from constantly moving around when linked to the Color Wheel, etc.

💡 To force re-sorting - select the desired sort option (even if it’s already selected)

Use search to quickly filter out colors. Typing body in the search field, will limit the visible colors to those with body as the name, CSS selector, or CSS property.

Website Colors Toolbar

Fiter out colors/styles by their usage and type

Used Styles

Styles which are used by one or more elements on the page.

Unused Styles

Styles which are not used by any elements.

Used Pseudo Styles

Pseudo styles which are used by one or more elements on the page.

Unused Pseudo Styles

Pseudo styles which are used by one or more elements on the page.

Psuedo Styles

Color Producer captures the following pseudo-classes/pseudo-elements

❗️ Browser-specific extensions - such as -webkit-border-end-color are not captured by Color Producer

❗️ CSS3 gradients are not captured by Color Producer